Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Possible early indicators of ASD

According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), some possible early indicators of ASD include the following:
  • does not babble, point, or make meaningful gestures by one year of age
  • does not speak one word by 16 months
  • does not combine two words by two years of age
  • does not respond to his or her name
  • loses language or social skills
  • avoids eye contact
  • doesn’t seem to know how to play with toys
  • excessively lines up toys or other objects
  • is attached to one particular toy or object 
  • doesn’t smile
  • at time seems to be hearing impaired
    3 most common early symptoms of Autistic Disorder are a lack of eye contact, a lack of pointing, and a lack of responding

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